Back onto the right path.
So I've been thinking about my career, again, and my original plan to teach in the Fall still stands. I'm still working on my TEFL, though I haven't made much progress recently because I've been so upset.
But, I've got a major decision coming up, and coming up soon. I have to decide whether to make a serious change. And it looks like I'm going to do it.
At the end of this month, I'm going to concentrate on part-time teaching and private students. And it looks like it's going to work, to a level that working 20 hours a week I'll make more than what I earn right now, with my full-and part-time jobs combined.
And that'll give me a chance to spend more time at the pool and the beach this summer. :D
I've already got an offer for a small job ($2000/mo), and have also been referred to a nine-hour per week @ $270 per hour job that will pay all my bills, if I get it, and I'm pretty confident.
So this is my summer plan. Then in the fall I should have secured a full time teaching post.
Wish me luck.