Boy, Interrupted?

Sensitive 80's guy looking for romance, adventure, sex, philosophy, excitement! Come on in and check out the most exhibitionist guy around. I'm a straight guy with a queer eye, though I'm not rich or handsome enough to be considered a "metrosexual". Hope you find my musings entertaining, shocking, enlightening, touching, or even disgusting! Comments are well appreciated. tonton

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Location: Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

I'm a 36 year-old kid, who's just in the process of finding myself and how to balance my needs with my responsibilities.

Thursday, August 17

Happiness? Could it be?

Things are starting to fall into place. Being with Fanny has been a wonderful change. Finally I've found someone truly kind and -- most important -- selfless and generous. She doesn't have much to give, but what she has, she shares generously, as I feel I did for both Medeleine and Jackie (please correct me if I'm wrong). So we're giving each other as much as we can.

I'm glad to help her out financially when she needs it, because I know exactly how it feels to be on the other end. I also am very happy that she appreciates me from an emotional point of view. In other words, she loves me, and that means a lot to her, and to me.

Life is not perfect. You have to make due with what you are given at any point in time. And when you try you might just find something wonderful. Something different than what you expected or had hoped for, but something great nonetheless.

You see, sometimes, we need to let go of a dying dream, and look elsewhere for something/someone who can make us happy -- now.

And I want to thank Fanny for being that someone for me. And I will always appreciate her for giving me that chance, despite my being wishy-washy for so long.

Now my job situation is fantastic, looking forward to a great income, fixed up the house (cooking at home - WOW) and generally feel great.

If those I loved in the past had just stood by me... I'd be doing my best to make their lives wonderful. But now it's Fanny's turn to receive the love I have to offer, and she deserves it.

Now... if I could only get my hands on some Ritalin before I start my 2 new jobs...