Boy, Interrupted?

Sensitive 80's guy looking for romance, adventure, sex, philosophy, excitement! Come on in and check out the most exhibitionist guy around. I'm a straight guy with a queer eye, though I'm not rich or handsome enough to be considered a "metrosexual". Hope you find my musings entertaining, shocking, enlightening, touching, or even disgusting! Comments are well appreciated. tonton

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Location: Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

I'm a 36 year-old kid, who's just in the process of finding myself and how to balance my needs with my responsibilities.

Monday, September 11

Being liked for who you are...

What a wonderful thing, to be with someone who really cares.
Someone who's not there because they want something from you.
Someone who's not there because just they're horny (though they may be).
Someone who's not there because just they're lonely (though they may be that too).
Someone who likes you especially for who you are, and not because they just want anyone.
Someone who likes you ENOUGH for who you are... to give, unconditionally.
Someone who likes you enough for who you are... to love, unconditionally.
Someone who makes love to you from the heart, not from the genitals.
Someone who knows they can count on you, and who allows you to count on them.

If someone does not want to spend much time with you, they don't like you enough to be the one you want to spend time with.
If someone does not want to say they love you, they don't love you enough to be the one you love.
If someone does not want to make love to you, they don't deserve to be the one you want to make love to.

You deserve better than that.
You deserve parity.
You deserve appreciation.
You deserve generosity.
You deserve thanks.
You deserve respect.
You deserve love.
You deserve intimacy.
You deserve sincerity.

If you don't think you deserve that, then improve yourself. Not how much money you make or how you manage things. Improve your heart.

When you improve your heart, someone with goodness in their own heart will give you all of the above. And when they do, for God's sake recognize it, cherish it, and don't squander it.

I hope you can find someone, once again, who loves you in all of the ways above. And I hope this time you have enough clarity to want to keep them.

It's better than waiting for a remote dream, a dream that might never come. Don't waste your life loving someone who cannot love you as the life partner you want them to be. Move on and become an adult.

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