Boy, Interrupted?

Sensitive 80's guy looking for romance, adventure, sex, philosophy, excitement! Come on in and check out the most exhibitionist guy around. I'm a straight guy with a queer eye, though I'm not rich or handsome enough to be considered a "metrosexual". Hope you find my musings entertaining, shocking, enlightening, touching, or even disgusting! Comments are well appreciated. tonton

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Location: Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

I'm a 36 year-old kid, who's just in the process of finding myself and how to balance my needs with my responsibilities.

Thursday, November 23

Being Saint Nick

LOL I think I'm going to be Santa for as long as I'm in Hong Kong.
It all started last year, when a friend asked me if I was interested in being Santa Claus at Ocean Park. Of course, I jumped at the chance, the job went through, and I absolutely loved it!
Well, this year I've been asked to be Santa Claus three times.
One invitation came from the same friend, for Ocean Park again. Sadly, because of my 2 jobs, neither of which I can back out of or take leave from for a month, I am unable to accept the job. Too bad, because the pay was awesome, and it was SOOO much fun! This year they were even going to have a Mrs. Claus. I recommended my friend Matt for the post, but, unfortunately, he's in jail for deflating a huge McDonald's sign this Spring. :'(
The second invitation I couldn't refuse. I've been roped into being Santa Claus for the Christmas party for the hundreds of employees at my company/group. I was asked because I'm one of only 2 Westerners in our 2 buildings. I won't be getting paid any extra, but it'll be fun, and earn me some brownie points with the HR Dept. My daughter and girlfriend will also be able to come and take a photo with me, just as last year (different girlfriend, same daughter - LOL).
The third invitation came from one of my schools. It'll be fun to be Santa for the little ones during their Christmas party, which falls on my regular teaching day at that school. Just a short party, and probably the same working hours, but it'll be a good change from the usual class...
Well, I've established something pretty solid to fall back on if I ever find myself free during the holidays.
Ho Ho Ho!

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